Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fabulous 2013.

It is official: 2012 is dead. 
I don't know about any of you but I am thrilled about the new year and I welcome 2013 with open arms, as well as an open mind.

I have decided that blogging is something I really want to try. Sure, I love to write. And I especially like to express my feelings about all things beauty and glamorous, primarily about hair and beauty, as well as fashion.
My admiration for all things glamorous goes back to a very young age, and I quite honestly cannot remember my life without it, that eager, inner desire to simply create something. Whether it was trying out a new color scheme for the current year, or making a simple white bookshelf a shoe and clutch display, I am always creating in my head. I thrive on the excitement of it.

I recently received my cosmetology license at one of (what I will forever claim to be) the best Cosmetology schools in the United States (School spirit is a contagious thing.)  I tried to do a little bit of blogging while I was in beauty school but it was simply too much. I was working and going to school in a large city where there is not a lot of room for anything but just that: work.

Now that I have recently sprung free of my life in a big city and settled down with a good job (I say "settled down" as if that were even possible for me) I have decided that I need a pastime, I need a really intriguing hobby that will justify my large amounts of spending as well as credit my creative nerd.

What better way to do that than to blog about it?

I plan to blog about more than just beauty products, tips, and tricks. I would not be surprised if Pinterest DIY crafts end up on this blog, simply because I can. And if it feeds my inner desire to create, display, and admire, then so be it.

As my make-up collection grows ever larger, so does my need to connect with people much like myself. I get some of my best ideas from simple observation. Maybe I saw a really gorgeous sunset one evening and woke up that morning with this dire need to recreate it.
On my eyes. 
Who better to understand something so crazy than somebody who has done it before, and probably will again?

So, as I said, I expect very great things from 2013.
I hope the New Year brings me: adventure, new people, new lessons, new ideas, plenty of epiphanies and, as always...
Glamorous Couture.

<3 Mykel

Here are a few of my favorite things :)

Books! Of all shapes, sizes, and adventures. I could read a book a day if I had time to do so. I would say I have a favorite, but there are too many to chose from. Although a "Top Favorite" is "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

                                       MAC is one of my top favorite cosmetic lines.
  Speaking of favorites, AVEDA is one of the best lines out there. Absolute Adore.

I could watch an entire season of House in a single day. One of the best shows to exist.

If it were possible to live and breath Juicy Couture I would. It never ceases to describe exactly who I am and (depending on the day, or my mood) my style. I might as well admit it now that it is one of my obsessions.

And lastly, here is me: 

I felt it was only fair to post a picture where I was "Made-Up" and one where I was not so much. 
 (Plus these two pictures describe perfectly how my style varies, depending on my mood and simply what I woke up that morning wanting to create.)

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