Friday, January 18, 2013

How to: Accessorize a Simple Bulletin Board.

It was a lonely Friday night in my empty apartment in the big city that I was staring at the eyesore of a bulletin board in my bedroom. I had redecorated it back in high school in many flamboyant colors, and pictures of random miscellaneous things that I had gathered and kept (movie ticket stubs, my HS diploma, my Beauty School acceptance letter, just to name a few...) 
So I picked it up and I started to rip it all off and throw it in the garbage.
I decided I needed something current that matched the decor of my (at the time) small apartment room (FYI: I have been completely infatuated with anything vintage or "faded".) 
So I went to work, eagerly pinning, taping and gluing and below are the results!

It was fairly simple, actually! 

For the background: I ripped up the pages of an old book (I had a copy of the book, and that copy was probably 99 cents at a thrift store) and pasted it to the background of my bulletin board 
(You can choose whichever you like. I chose one that was old, a little bit worn. The book was called "The Scarlet Letter")

Pictures: I took a few magazine pictures from the Glamour Magazine, Taylor Swift Cover (November 2012) It was a bit of a vintage, classic feel. I added a few pictures I had found that seemed to fit the decor (delicate, chic and girly)

Paper Notes:  I picked 4 pieces of paper from an old journal, and crumbled up two of them to add a worn and (once again Vintage) feel to it all (... You are going to read "Vintage" a lot...)
I chose four of my favorite quotes, and you can obviously customize this to be whatever you like.

  • The crumbled paper in the far right corner says "Never trust words, only actions"
  • The one above that is a quote from ee cummings, "Everybody's dying to be somebody else but I'll live my life if it kills me"
  • Far right corner says "you can be absolutely anything that you choose to be."

To add that (vintage, classic, chic) flare, I decided that I need some beads/pearls.
I coincidentally had a huge necklace with several layers that always managed to look a little too cheap and tacky when I wore it even on my most extreme of fashion days, so it was perfect for this! I pinned one corner of it to the bottom of the picture and pulled it across the board, adding the finishing touch.

As you can see, my desk has a few decorations of it's own. You can personalize it however you would like depending on the theme of your pin board.
 I chose:

  • An "old looking" perfume bottle (I found it at Hobby Lobby)
  •  some vintage pieces like an old metal heart shaped jewelry box (a gift from a cousin)
  • a small wooden chest I received almost ten years ago (also a gift, from my Aunt)
  • Two boxes (on the far left) that are actually several make-up palettes that I thought matched the theme well enough to be removed from my make-up storage vanity and placed here.
  • A clay bowl that my cousin made for me in the 5th grade (inside she painted hummingbirds, which was my favorite bird at the time) I filled it with penny's. The paper on top says "Take A Penny... Make a Wish."

Listed Below:

... Here is my make-up vanity ( the decoration side)

(In case you are wondering I moved a few pieces from my desk over to here, such as the heart shaped chest, the perfume bottle...) 
This is a small part of my make-up Vanity that I wanted to add some accents to so that it would match my room. 
  • I found an old kerosene lamp, 
  • In the jar are some bath salts that are the scent "Eucalyptus Spearmint", 
  • a Bath and Body Words Candle. 
Two books I found in the depths of our basement on one of the many many bookshelves where my mom stores old books. 
(Mark Twain is the top book, and David Copperfield is the bottom.)

I have since then added a few more pieces, such as a glass jar with a golden lid that is full of pearls. It seemed to fit right in! 

Here is another side of my Make-Up Vanity. I keep some of my all time favorite perfumes right here for easy access, plus they look the best. All but 2 of them are the Juicy Couture Collection.

Here is the wall right above my Make- Up Vanity (The hanging lights are I believe called icicle Christmas tree lights, and I hung them all around the my room, about an inch or so from the ceiling- they are so beautiful when they are turned on in the dark!) 
  • The tree is sticker art (You can purchase them just about anywhere like Target, Wal-Mart, and sometimes even places like Marshall's or TJ Max) And it was really fun to place all of the little birds around. 
  • I found the three hangers (A purse, a heel, and some sort of pendant with a crown on it)  at the same store I got the birds. I fell in love with them monetarily  I actually bought them for my bathroom back when my room was still pink and lime green!
  • I hung some of my favorite necklaces from them (the bigger ones) 
  • Shown above them is just two zipper flowers found somewhere miscellaneous. 

(... You can see the very top of my Make-up storage drawers- my make-up brushes are 
sitting on the very top of it.)

I couldn't fit this in the picture but it is one of my absolute FAVORITE accessories in my room! It's a birdcage necklace holder. 
It's hard to see the detail in the picture (it's nothing in particular: a key, some drawings of mirrors, etc.)
 This is where I keep my more expensive jewelry or anything that is really important or special/ I never want to lose.
It opens from the right hand hook you can see, and I found this little beauty at Hobby Lobby.

These are just a few of the crafts I have begun at 12:30AM when I need a change! It never happens at a convenient time. But sometimes I get my best ideas in the earliest hours of the morning, and I find myself staying up so late that I promise myself I will resist the urge to create something, and that I will not take on a project when I should be sleeping... But my imagination never agrees.


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